This document provides a short introduction to the policytree package, with examples from Zhou, Athey and Wager (2023), and Athey and Wager (2021). The last section contains details on the runtime of policy_tree.


Ex. 1: Binary treatment effect estimation and policy learning

n <- 10000
p <- 10

X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
ee <- 1 / (1 + exp(X[, 3]))
tt <- 1 / (1 + exp((X[, 1] + X[, 2]) / 2)) - 0.5
W <- rbinom(n, 1, ee)
Y <- X[, 3] + W * tt + rnorm(n)

cf <- causal_forest(X, Y, W)

plot(tt, predict(cf)$predictions)

dr <- double_robust_scores(cf)
tree <- policy_tree(X, dr, 2)
#> policy_tree object 
#> Tree depth:  2 
#> Actions:  1: control 2: treated 
#> Variable splits: 
#> (1) split_variable: X2  split_value: -0.288401 
#>   (2) split_variable: X1  split_value: 1.40486 
#>     (4) * action: 2 
#>     (5) * action: 1 
#>   (3) split_variable: X1  split_value: -0.729217 
#>     (6) * action: 2 
#>     (7) * action: 1
pp <- predict(tree, X)
boxplot(tt ~ pp)

plot(X[, 1], X[, 2], col = pp)
abline(0, -1, lwd = 4, col = 4)

Ex. 2: Multi-action treatment effect estimation

The following example is from the 3-action DGP from section 6.4.1 in Zhou, Athey and Wager

n <- 10000
p <- 10
data <- gen_data_mapl(n, p)
#>   action          Y        X.1       X.2       X.3        X.4
#> 1      1  2.6284326 0.67222112 0.1911761 0.8306201 0.04823820
#> 2      2 -0.4104820 0.06268746 0.5293111 0.9005144 0.17141539
#> 3      0  2.5760171 0.96091759 0.2426804 0.8510604 0.81590389
#> 4      1  6.4251811 0.28812068 0.5097512 0.2848444 0.26683712
#> 5      1 -0.7418237 0.24016147 0.9975204 0.5635440 0.29509120
#> 6      2 -0.1215063 0.12274854 0.8569016 0.4839027 0.09840055
X <- data$X
Y <- data$Y
W <- as.factor(data$action)

multi.forest <- multi_arm_causal_forest(X, Y, W)

# tau.hats:
#>            1 - 0      2 - 0
#> [1,] -0.94299355 -2.1092378
#> [2,]  0.06056892 -0.4470302
#> [3,]  1.56728133  2.5326755
#> [4,]  1.36812743  1.8689266
#> [5,] -0.87815537 -1.9668277
#> [6,] -0.88861358 -2.0550007
# Each region with optimal action
region.pp <- data$region + 1
plot(X[, 5], X[, 7], col = region.pp)
leg <- sort(unique(region.pp))
legend("topleft", legend = leg - 1, col = leg, pch = 10)

Policy learning

Cross-fitted Augmented Inverse Propensity Weighted Learning (CAIPWL) with the optimal depth 2 tree

Gamma.matrix <- double_robust_scores(multi.forest)
#>              0         1          2
#> [1,] 2.9489556  3.025210  0.8397179
#> [2,] 2.1183447  2.178914 -8.2506000
#> [3,] 7.6092809  1.595057  2.5604513
#> [4,] 0.2463238 10.972704  2.1152504
#> [5,] 2.9248414 -2.500373  0.9580137
#> [6,] 2.9187616  2.030148 -3.9747881
train <- sample(1:n, 9000)
opt.tree <- policy_tree(X[train, ], Gamma.matrix[train, ], depth = 2)
#> policy_tree object 
#> Tree depth:  2 
#> Actions:  1: 0 2: 1 3: 2 
#> Variable splits: 
#> (1) split_variable: X5  split_value: 0.601445 
#>   (2) split_variable: X7  split_value: 0.349383 
#>     (4) * action: 3 
#>     (5) * action: 1 
#>   (3) split_variable: X7  split_value: 0.713839 
#>     (6) * action: 2 
#>     (7) * action: 3

Predict treatment on held out data

X.test <- X[-train, ]
pp <- predict(opt.tree, X.test)
#> [1] 2 3 1 1 2 2
plot(X.test[, 5], X.test[, 7], col = pp)
leg <- sort(unique(pp))
legend("topleft", legend = leg - 1, col = leg, pch = 10)

Ex. 3: Efficient Policy Learning - Binary Treatment and Instrumental Variables

The following example is from section 5.2 in Wager and Athey (2021).

n <- 500
data <- gen_data_epl(n, type = "continuous")
#>   W Z         tau          Y         X.1         X.2
#> 1 0 1 -0.50000000  3.4662060 -0.13701966 -1.59064506
#> 2 1 1 -0.07788149  0.5532977 -0.84836207  0.84423702
#> 3 0 0  0.17925500  1.4832753  1.02471100  0.33379899
#> 4 0 1 -0.50000000  1.1881457 -0.04921944 -0.85043640
#> 5 1 1  0.09894633  3.1677820  0.32794872  0.86994393
#> 6 0 1 -0.45727715 -0.6397086 -0.79551953  0.08544569
iv.forest <- instrumental_forest(X = data$X, Y = data$Y, W = data$W, Z = data$Z)

gamma <- double_robust_scores(iv.forest)
#>         control    treated
#> [1,] -2.2493547  2.2493547
#> [2,] -0.9003330  0.9003330
#> [3,]  0.5168925 -0.5168925
#> [4,] -0.4352961  0.4352961
#> [5,] -2.8693036  2.8693036
#> [6,]  4.7434766 -4.7434766

Find the depth-2 tree which solves (2):

train <- sample(1:400)
tree <- policy_tree(data$X[train, ], gamma[train, ])
#> policy_tree object 
#> Tree depth:  2 
#> Actions:  1: control 2: treated 
#> Variable splits: 
#> (1) split_variable: X4  split_value: 0.169516 
#>   (2) split_variable: X1  split_value: 0.503502 
#>     (4) * action: 1 
#>     (5) * action: 2 
#>   (3) split_variable: X1  split_value: -0.389985 
#>     (6) * action: 2 
#>     (7) * action: 1

Evaluate the policy on held out data:

piX <- predict(tree, data$X[-train, ]) - 1
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 0
reward.policy <- mean((2 * piX - 1) * data$tau[-train])
#> [1] 0.1524301